Heute führen wir von 21:00 - 22:00 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten durch. Daher ist heute ab 18 Uhr die Katalogverarbeitung, Importe und Portalaktualisierungen pausiert. OXOMI Portale und alle Services arbeiten normal weiter. Pausierte Aufgaben werden im Anschluss automatisch fortgesetzt, es besteht kein Handlungsbedarf.
Provides services for rendering stories.

Render Searchlet Story

Tries to find and render a searchlet for the given parameters.

POST JSON /portals/api/v1/stories/render-searchlet
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
brandName Specifies the brand name to filter by. This is just a backup option, and a unique supplier number should preferably be used instead. false ACME
classification Specifies the ETIM class to filter by. false ec011550
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
productGroup Specifies the product group as supplied by the manufacturer to filter by. false pg-01
query Specifies the current search query of the user to filter by. false bathtub
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
seriesCode Specifies the series code as supplied by the manufacturer to filter by. false 001
supplierNumber Specifies the number of the supplier to filter by, as set in the respective partnership. This is the preferred way to specify the supplier. false 0815
Description Example
Sample request
Content-Type: application/json
            "portal": "DEMO",
            "user": "Demouser",
            "roles": "sales",
            "accessToken": "fc97df375de49fbae114a42a991c5999",
            "lang": "de",
            "filterLang": "de",
            "brandName": "ACME",
            "supplierNumber": "0815",
            "classification": "ec011550",
            "seriesCode": "001",
            "productGroup": "pg-01",
            "query": "bathtub"
Description Example
200 Successful response
Content-Type: application/json
            "success": true,
            "error": false,
            "renderedHtml": "<div class=\"sci-border-box sci-story sci-story-gc8hheij92rnsgh2\">...</div>",
            "borderless": false
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Render Stories Slider

Renders a slider containing all accessible stories and returns the generated html within a json response.

POST JSON /portals/api/v1/stories/slider
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
limit Defines the maximum number of stories within the slider (Max: 10). true
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
user User name true john.doe
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
Sample request
Content-Type: application/json
            "limit": "6",
            "portal": "DEMO",
            "user": "Demouser",
            "roles": "sales",
            "accessToken": "25ca3e75b592585d7748a189ab10d8c3",
            "lang": "",
            "interactionToken": "8wjlnm0ydq2demo"
Description Example
200 Successful response
Content-Type: application/json
            "success": "true",
            "error": false,
            "renderedHtml": "<div class=\"sci-border-box sci-story sci-story-gc8hheij92rnsgh2\">...</div>"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json

Render Story

Renders the requested story and returns the generated HTML within a JSON response.

POST JSON /portals/api/v1/stories/render
Name Description Required Example
accessToken Access token for non-public portals. When submitting a user or roles, the respective values need to be considered during the computation of the token. See Authentifizierung for details. true d0765f518ff0cab426dbbd6d467c9967
portal Globally unique alpha-numeric code as set up or automatically assigned. Also visible in the respective URL on the Portals page. true 9999999
story The id of the desired story or its manually (and optionally) provided code. If multiple stories with the same code exists, the newest will be selected. true demostory-1
user User name true john.doe
filterCountry The country to filter by. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
filterLanguage The language to filter by in case of multi language portals. Provide a two-letter ISO code. Note that internationalisation is a paid feature that needs to be purchased and enabled separately. false de
language Language to use for human-readable data. Does not affect content where applicable. Provide a two-letter ISO code. false de
roles Comma-separated list of roles assigned to the user. Can be omitted if roles are not in use, or if the portal is public. false Heating,Electronics,Top-Customer
Description Example
Sample request
Content-Type: application/json
            "story": "demostory-1",
            "portal": "DEMO",
            "user": "Demouser",
            "roles": "sales",
            "accessToken": "fc97df375de49fbae114a42a991c5999",
            "lang": "de",
            "filterLang": "de"
Description Example
200 Successful response
Content-Type: application/json
            "success": true,
            "error": false,
            "id": "51",
            "code": "demostory-1",
            "type": "landingpage",
            "typeName": "Landingpage",
            "renderedHtml": "<div class=\"sci-border-box sci-story sci-story-gc8hheij92rnsgh2\">...</div>"
400 Missing parameter or malformed request
Content-Type: application/json
    "success": false,
    "error": true,
    "message": "The parameter {missingParameter} must be filled."
401 Authentication required but none provided
Content-Type: application/json
403 Invalid authentication or missing permission
Content-Type: application/json
404 Resource not found
Content-Type: application/json
405 Incorrect request method, e.g. GET instead of POST
Content-Type: application/json
500 Unexpected server-side error
Content-Type: application/json