
Tagliatelle is a template engine which renders statically typed and compiled templates. This is mainly used to render the HTML output of the web-server but can be used to generate any form of text output.

Tagliatelle uses Noodle ( Noodle Scripting) as expression language. An expression can be placed anywhere in the template by prefixing it with an @, i.e. @myVariable. If the boundaries of the expression are unclear, it can be put into parentheses like @(3+4). If a tag expects an expression anyway, the "@" can be omitted. (Note that the "@" can be escaped by putting two in a row: @@.

The main part of the templates are made up of special tags (hence the name Tag-liatelle). These tags can either be built-in (e.g. <i:if test="1 < 2">...</if> or they can be defined by templates which are placed in the directory tags/PREFIX/tagName.html.pasta.

Anatomy of a tag

Tags are organized in tag libraries. Each library has a prefix assigned, e.g. k. All templates for this tag library are then placed in tags/k/tagName.html.pasta and can be referenced using <k:tagName>.

If a tag supports custom attributes, these are defined in the template via <i:arg type="Class" name="Name" />. The body of a tag can be rendered by the tag itself by calling <i:render name="body" />. Note that the caller of a tag can supply additional blocks using <i:block name="myBlock">...</i:block>. This can then be used by the tag via <i:render name="myBlock" />.

Available tags and macros
A list of all available tags and macros can be found here: Tagliatelle Tag Overview
See also
Defines the syntax of the Noodle Scripting Language.